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Company news from the first hand: everything that happened in IT Center yesterday, the day before yesterday and last Thursday. All publications are cleaned from white noise and synchronized with RSS feed.

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Blog entries with tag: #IT Center Cloud hardware
infographic about EGAIS connection

In 2016, the engineers of IT Center set up the workplace of the operator of EGAIS system in a new online format at the time. The work was carried out within the framework of the project of our Client, the main specialization of which is the sale of alcohol products.

There are servers within the structure of Rosalkogolregulirovaniya to account for the movement of alcohol products on the territory of Russia. These servers maintain the accountign database EGAIS. The operator of the Client connects to this system and enters there all the necessary information.

In 2016, to connect to the EGAIS, there was only one possibility — through the keys of Aladdin JaCarta. We will not discuss the functional of the system in this article, let's say just a few words about the key features.

water intake

The summer of 2017 was hot, dynamic and fruitful for IT Center, despite the endless +18 °C and rain.

Judge for yourself: we successfully closed two “cloud” and three web projects, a new client appeared in the IT Center cloud and we will write about it, the engineers of the company seriously modernized the IT Center Cloud infrastructure at the logical and hardware level, having purchased and having integrated the corresponding equipment, and the management held a record for themselves and others the number of negotiations: the assistants had difficulty in forming commercial offers for each separate meeting.

The project, which will be discussed today...


One of the IT Center Cloud servers came to Moscow IT Center office for the technical service.

Pay attention to the status of the internal modules of the server: not a speck of dust. This is exactly what the equipment looks like, which is located in the data area of the data center. In practice, this eye-pleasing cleanness ensures durability and stable operation of the server and all its components.

Art Direction: Svetlana Larina,


The WannaCry virus is a file encryption program. The cipherers themselves are well known, so consider the personal properties of WannaCry.

WannaCry Lessons.

admin near server

Sunday, June 25, 2017 was a working day for IT Center engineers, who conducted preventive work in the data center.

Administrators have replaced a faulty hard disk in a disk array: sometimes it happens that in an array of 24 disks one is out of order.

What is else?

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Prokhodchikov street 16, build 1,
Wesendorf Business Centre

tel.: +7 (495) 120-0-129