Hello, this is IT Center Blog.
Company news from the first hand: everything that happened in IT Center yesterday, the day before yesterday and last Thursday. All publications are cleaned from white noise and synchronized with RSS feed.
All images © 2009–2023 www.svetlanalarina.com
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of text, photo and video material without express and written permission from IT Center Blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to IT Center Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Thank you, 2017
This year, we published 28 articles on the company's blog (on Wednesday, the latter will be released, the 29th). Behind these publications are implemented projects and letters of thanks, of which we are very proud, working IT cases and articles with practical recommendations.
This year we implemented nine large web projects and built our own photo studio for shooting materials published in blogs, on websites and in our customers' online stores.
The helpdesk of IT Center took 546 applications through IT REPARO
within a year. Of these, 534 were fulfilled and agreed with customers. The total time worked on these applications was 24962 minutes, which is just over 416 hours or 52 days of continuous operation.
52 additional days that our clients received to solve their own business's core issues. We believe that this is our mission. Pompous? Today is a good day for it.