Hello, this is IT Center Blog.
Company news from the first hand: everything that happened in IT Center yesterday, the day before yesterday and last Thursday. All publications are cleaned from white noise and synchronized with RSS feed.
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Just a few hours ago we turned the server rack handle to CLOSE position completing the upgrade of one of IT Center Cloud disk arrays.

Today we celebrate the tenth anniversary of IT Center. In IT industry it's common to summarize with the help of statistical reports. Let's start!
10 years of IT Center are: IT Center Cloud...

Nine! Nine years of hard work, doubts, negotiations, responsible projects, which we are really proud of, sobering failures, three corporate website design, seven or eight upgrades of own cloud IT Center Cloud and almost thirty completed web projects. What could be more relevant than summing up on your own birthday?
Every year IT Center celebrates on February 2 a large disc of aromatic ‘Margarita’ or, as it is today, a birthday cake. Everyone will get a piece of cake, but do not stay in the server room for a long time.
However before we leave for tasting, we want to greet all IT Center's clients and partners by the tradition of this day. We are glad that we are connected by a common history of several years long and informal relations. Thank you for your trust!
We would like to say ‘hello’ to the former employees of IT Center and a separate line salute our current team of the overlords TCP/IP, DNS, CSS, JavaScript, C#, PHP, SSL, LDAP, IIS, SQL, CMS, FTP, SSH, SMTP, VPN and UDP. You are an integral part of our history, IT Center company would be different without you.
And now it's time to cut the cake!

Saturday night is a good time not only for meeting friends, but also for upgrading the cloud in the data center. Work of this level rarely ends abnormally, as IT administrators pre-lose all scenarios of events without leaving the office. Nevertheless, the work in the data center always takes place on weekends: minimal load on equipment and a non-working day for most users warn of potential inconvenience for customers.

All important information that leaves Internet, be it the credit card number that you paid in the online store, the transaction to the 1C database or the blog administrator's password must be transferred to the server of the store, the 1C database or the blog in an encrypted form.
Interception of encrypted traffic will not give anything to an attacker except for a meaningless sequence of symbols. For you, it means that you will continue to manage the funds of your credit card, 1C:Accounting will not be compromised, and your blog will be led by you, not someone else.