Hello, this is IT Center Blog.
Company news from the first hand: everything that happened in IT Center yesterday, the day before yesterday and last Thursday. All publications are cleaned from white noise and synchronized with RSS feed.
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Just a few hours ago we turned the server rack handle to CLOSE position completing the upgrade of one of IT Center Cloud disk arrays.
Saturday night is a good time not only for meeting friends, but also for upgrading the cloud in the data center. Work of this level rarely ends abnormally, as IT administrators pre-lose all scenarios of events without leaving the office. Nevertheless, the work in the data center always takes place on weekends: minimal load on equipment and a non-working day for most users warn of potential inconvenience for customers.
Approximately once a month, IT Center's engineers change their cozy office in the north‑eastern part of Moscow for a few hours to a very noisy and cold data center in which IT Center Cloud equipment is placed. Administrators in advance prepare a step-by-step plan of the workday to be done in order to pack their visit in a few hours and make it as productive as possible.
The visit, which is discussed in the video, absorbed the usual set of tasks. At the 16th second...
The summer of 2017 was hot, dynamic and fruitful for IT Center, despite the endless +18 °C and rain.
Judge for yourself: we successfully closed two “cloud” and three web projects, a new client appeared in the IT Center cloud and we will write about it, the engineers of the company seriously modernized the IT Center Cloud infrastructure at the logical and hardware level, having purchased and having integrated the corresponding equipment, and the management held a record for themselves and others the number of negotiations: the assistants had difficulty in forming commercial offers for each separate meeting.
The WannaCry virus is a file encryption program. The cipherers themselves are well known, so consider the personal properties of WannaCry.