Hello, this is IT Center Blog.
Company news from the first hand: everything that happened in IT Center yesterday, the day before yesterday and last Thursday. All publications are cleaned from white noise and synchronized with RSS feed.
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Unauthorized use and/or duplication of text, photo and video material without express and written permission from IT Center Blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to IT Center Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

All important information that leaves Internet, be it the credit card number that you paid in the online store, the transaction to the 1C database or the blog administrator's password must be transferred to the server of the store, the 1C database or the blog in an encrypted form.
Interception of encrypted traffic will not give anything to an attacker except for a meaningless sequence of symbols. For you, it means that you will continue to manage the funds of your credit card, 1C:Accounting will not be compromised, and your blog will be led by you, not someone else.

This year, we published 28 articles on the company's blog (on Wednesday, the latter will be released, the 29th). Behind these publications are implemented projects and letters of thanks, of which we are very proud, working IT cases and articles with practical recommendations.

IT Center has combined its IT outsourcing services into three tariff plans. Each tariff consists of the same set of services. The differences are in the list of 1C‑licenses and in numbers: 1 GB or 3 GB, 15 or 50 workplaces.
Let us introduce: quaffle, bludger and snitch.

The interest of IT Center engineers has long gone beyond the ‘from 9.00 to 18.00’ employment contract. When we arrive at the clothing store, we peek out which software the cashier uses. When we order food for a dog in an online store, we evaluate the layout of the product snippet and the quality of photographs of the sachet.
That is why it is important for us to analyze our own experience and talk with you about how information technologies are built into business life. And it is important for us that our publications are read in comfort. For this we launched our own mailing list.
Useful IT tips and business cases are sent out every 10 days, without spam and water. Subscription on the right sidebar.

How often did you go to the site and shut down the page immediately because the resource materials are unreadable? The words merge into a mess, the lines run over each other, and the gaze stumbles over the unions dangling at the end of the line.
Qualitative illustrations, which emphasize the topic of the article, attract attention and make you read the text. Neat, accurate layout of the text works for the same result, and to achieve this result does not require a lot of investment. Several improvements — and materials will be easier to perceive by readers and indexed by search engines.